Proud To Be An American

Proud to be an American…seems like a fitting title as we celebrate Independence Day here in the United States…and I do hope you sang the words out loud or at least heard Lee Greenwood’s voice echoing in your ears…but for the purposes of this post we’ll say “Proud to be an American Painted Lady!”


Now, I’m not sure whether American Painted Lady sounds patriotic or provocative, but since today is the 4th of July, we’ll opt for the former!



This lovely medium sized butterfly has been showing up fairly routinely at my butterfly bush.  Not quite as striking as the Swallowtails, she (or he) is still quite a beauty.


One of the distinguishing features of this butterfly is the two dark eyespots on the hind-wings.  God gave these butterflies a better chance of survival by designing them this way as predators will tend to aim at the “eyes” leaving the more critical and vulnerable parts of the body protected.  You can even see where this one has been nipped in the eyespot area.



I am seriously addicted to taking butterfly pictures, but let me go ahead and give you a spoiler for an upcoming post….Booger has a brother!  I m hoping to get some pictures soon, so stay tuned!

29 thoughts on “Proud To Be An American

    1. I am always amazed at the detail that shows up in a photo that I would miss if I was just watching them with my eyes. Pretty incredible. And I’m glad it made you smile. I have a feeling if we lived closer we’d be hanging out. 🙂

  1. Also should say I am looking forward to the pictures of Booger’s brother. The original pictures are just too cute, and I am a big fan of bluebirds.

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