The Scent of Summer

What is it that immediately puts you in a summer frame of mind? Is there a sight, or a sound, or a smell that symbolizes the season for you?

For me, it’s the unmistakable aroma of Coppertone Suntan Lotion. One whiff and I’m either drifting back to childhood days at the pool or daydreaming about sinking my toes in that soothing spot right where the surf meets the sand. My hearts seems to smile and wander into a bit of nostalgia whenever I smell it. Coppertone sums up summer in a scent!

And since it is now officially summer, I thought why not do a Coppertone post? Only since this is a bird blog, I’ll share a few backyard beauties whose feathers display those gorgeous copper tones.

Take the Chipping Sparrow, for example, with his copper topped crown.

And the Carolina Wren, a bundle of penny colored perkiness!

And last, but never least, the Brown Thrasher, whose coppers and creams are quite stunning.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go look up some beachfront VRBO’s!

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