Bath Break

If you google “ways to alleviate stress,” one suggestion you might find is to take a long, relaxing bath. But may I suggest an even better way to relieve stress? Watch a Bluebird take a bath!

These guys are exuberant bathers for sure! And when you watch one splishing and splashing about, you can almost feel the tension draining out of you. It’s hard to stay uptight when a Bluebird is bathing with all his might!

These guys are rarely in a hurry as they dip and dive in the water, sending droplets spraying every which way. You really can’t help but smile as you watch them.

They will eventually fly off, but they’re sure to be back before too long.

If you don’t already have one, you should definitely add a birdbath to the top of your “buy soon” list. You won’t regret it!

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