Butterfly Beauty Break

I was sitting at my desk yesterday, working on a project, when I glanced out the window and saw a lovely Swallowtail sampling the zinnias. In no time at all, I decided that a butterfly beauty break would be a perfect pause!

This one is a Pipevine Swallowtail. You can tell it is the latter by its two “tails”…

…and the former because of the metallic blue at the base of its wings and the intact row of orange dots.

The double dotted abdomen also helps identify it.

Now, I would imagine that a lot of folks who take butterfly photos are wanting to capture the incredible colors and patterns on the wings…but you know what I most love getting in a picture? That curled up tongue-like-tube called a proboscis! It’s so cool when they have it all coiled up!

I have also seen a Hummingbird darting in lately to sample some nectar, but he hasn’t lingered long enough for me to get his picture…yet!

6 thoughts on “Butterfly Beauty Break

      1. We don’t see any here in Sydney now, but many years ago they did. Most of the Swallowtails are up in the north of our continent in the tropics and sub tropics.

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