My Backyard is for the Birds!

Our front yard is fairly well manicured (with the exception of some disorderly Zinnia and spontaneous Sunflowers), but the backyard is for the birds – literally, for the birds. It has areas that are purposefully messy with leaf litter and a brush pile, which helps to lure Thrashers, and Wrens, and lovely Towhees, like the one below.

There is also a water feature which helps entice birds to pay a visit…like this happy flappy Robin that was thoroughly enjoying his bath.

I take most of my pictures from the deck, but every once in awhile it’s nice to go down and visit the birds who prefer to play in the dirt.

So, here’s my free (and unsolicited!) advice – if you want to lure more birds, don’t aim for the “Backyard of the Month” award; instead, embrace a little mess!

14 thoughts on “My Backyard is for the Birds!

  1. I completely agree with you, Kathy, about making good habitats for birds & bees. A possum, some chipmunks & a squirrel troupe live in our backyard too since our dearest old Luc Dog departed. The towhees & the brown thrasher are busy in the leaf litter areas everyday. The robins indulge in vigorous bathing rituals & the dove congregation looks on from the sunny patches. The busy, noisy jaybirds make up the peanut gallery. There are not many dull moments from my back porch watch & it’s a good show. I just wish my snapshots were as as masterful as yours.

  2. Were you laying on the ground for those towhee images? 🙂 I have only seen them 2x, each under my feeder, and both times only fleetingly. I DID have a whole flock (say about 6) robins in my Rose of Sharon tree near our heated bird bath yesterday. No pictures though.

  3. Excellent advice and you are reaping beautiful rewards, Kathy!

    Our little garden is a tangle of indigenous plants and shrubs and the number of birds, insects and reptiles that live here as a result brings us such joy.

  4. Superb photographs!

    Great advice on preparing a welcoming oasis for our feathered friends. Love the “seasonal” colors of the Towhee and Robin.

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