Clocks and Commercials

If I happen to hear you say “cuckoo bird” (not that I anticipate that happening!) it’s possible I’d think of a cool old clock or perhaps an old commercial – “I’m cuckoo for cocoa puffs!” But more than likely I’d think of a Yellow-billed Cuckoo. Especially since one paid me a visit recently.

I was sitting on my back deck with my camera, stalking the Summer Tanagers I recently shared with ya’ll, when I saw a bird with a dove-like body dart by at a very un-dove-like speed. It had a long tail and made a bee-line for the overhead branches. Turns out it was this Yellow-billed Cuckoo that summers here in the southern states.

I’d only seen this beauty on one previous occasion, so I was thrilled he stopped by. Apparently, caterpillars are their preferred cuisine, and he must have been hunting for some.

Isn’t he (or maybe she, I’m really not sure!) lovely? I wish he had come closer and stayed in the clearing long enough for me to get a clearer shot, but hey, you get what you get and you don’t pitch a fit!

I really do think he’s gorgeous. I guess you could say, “I’m cuckoo for cuckoo birds!

6 thoughts on “Clocks and Commercials

  1. I’ve read that this bird in steep decline. You are fortunate to spot one! Oak trees host many caterpillars, so this tree is a good one to have.

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